In today’s video, you can see how much fun we can have working hard and, at the same time, get a large number of good photos to sell, in a day as productive as unforgettable.
On this occasion, we got Lili and Oli together to do a session in the Vic area, looking for wheat fields in which to take health photos, and some urban surroundings for lifestyle photos. Although it was a bit late for the wheat fields, they still had some green colour.
A session that was planned without having found previous locations and in which we had to look for the fields as we went along. We set off for Vic, where there are usually quite a few fields around and the city itself, where we could take photographs of the urban environment. This way we wouldn’t have to do the whole session in a field with the same background in all the photos, and we wouldn’t be rejected for similar content, something very fashionable in some agencies.
Already during the journey, Oli’s jokes and jokes were hilarious, because when you reach such a high level of confidence, everything works much better and becomes more fun.
When we finally found a field where we could take pictures with a good orientation to the sun and the right height, Oli and Lili were worried about snakes. Obviously, we didn’t end up seeing any and we were able to do the session without any problems, especially because they didn’t even have to enter the field as you can see in some parts of the video.
We were very lucky with the weather and we had sun all morning but it got a bit cloudy towards the end of the afternoon.
The photos we took in the first wheat field were limited by the low height of the wheat and the models had to bend down a lot so that the background was all wheat.
That’s why we decided to move to another field that had more elevation.
In the second field, we used a lot of sunscreen because the sun was beating down and we set out to take pictures. First in casual clothes and then in little white dresses in the highest part of the field.
Oli told us that she was allergic to grasses just as we were finishing taking the photos. That made us get the hell out of there before her allergy got worse and fortunately, she recovered quickly.
After finishing the photos in the wheat fields, we went to eat at a nearby roadside restaurant and there the jokes and laughter continued to be the dominant note.
It’s nice to work in an atmosphere like this.
After laughing and eating, we headed towards the city of Vic, looking for a park where we could do the rest of the session.
I was looking for a park with trees because I wanted a shady area to avoid the heat and the scorching sun.
We found the perfect park straight away and we started to do the second part of the session.
Without diminishing at any time the good vibes and laughter, but as always without forgetting to work hard and make as much content as possible, we made a good number of photographs with a good sales potential.
Students, friends, photos with a touch of humour, health, everything that was planned could be done without any problems.
Although, as I said before, it was a bit cloudy in the afternoon, the sun was still out at times and at no time was it so overcast that the light was too bad.
The last part of the session was reserved for a series of photographs with a humorous tone, caricaturing the expressions a little bit, and that ended up providing a lot more fun.
At this point Oli began to show clear signs of fatigue, between the allergy she had had in the middle of the morning and the accumulated tiredness, but as she is an impeccable worker she held on without any problems until the end of the session.
With a lot of different photos and having had a great time during the whole day we went home with the pride of a job well done and a great personal satisfaction.
So you are a man or woman?
Where there is a will, there is a way.
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