This was one of those days, as rare as it is fantastic, when practically everything goes well. The weather was good, from the beginning to the end of the day, and as we were enjoying our work and the environment we were in all day long, the results were, apart from being substantial, of very good quality.

In the morning, by last minute decision, we went to Vic, an inland town in the province of Barcelona, where we took some stock photos in an urban environment.

When we arrived to Vic, we found a blinding sun and an infernal heat, which forced us to look for shelter in the shadows we found under some trees, taking into account that the background should also be in shadow, so that no part of the photographs would be too burnt. In the end, we found a small shaded area in a park, which was enough to get some very good pictures.

After lunch, we headed to Tavertet, a small village near Vic on top of some cliffs that offer an imposing landscape with cliffs over 200 metres high, abundant vegetation, and panoramic views of the Sau reservoir and, in the distance, the Montseny mountains.

Landscape of mountains with trees in a sunny day

Our model was amazed to see such a spectacle, “it looks like I’m looking at a picture!” she commented astonished as we stepped out of the van.

Micro stock model taking a picture with her phone

We put our gear on one of the cliffs, and continued with the session; yoga, sport, casual photos….

Asian model smiling at camera in a photoshoot


While we were working, the sun was gradually losing height, and as it got closer to the horizon, the sky became pinkish and at times, we forgot that we were there for work. The fact is that being lucky enough to work in these surroundings means that work is no longer an obligation.

We stayed there until the sun disappeared completely between the mountains, we finished the session, and we went back.

Apart from very good results, this session left us with an extraordinary memory because of the peace that the place transmitted.

Sunset between mountains while photoshoot

In the video, you can see the model’s impressions at the end of the session, as well as her answers to the questions: What was the most difficult part of the session? What photos does she like to take the most? What did she like the most about the session?


Check it out!