Elisa is the most recent addition to Antonio Guillem´s team, and she is also the first model of Asian ethnicity that we have in the team. When a model joins AG, we always do a test session, so that the photographer learns how to photograph the model and to get the best out of her, and also for the model learn the poses and technicalities of a microstock photo shoot.

These sessions are usually done in a studio, as being indoors, learning what is necessary is easier, as the lighting is controlled at all times, and does not depend on weather problems, among others aspects.

However, as Elisa already had previous experience as a model in the microstock world, we decided to do a complete outdoor session and go to Montseny.

Montseny is a natural park, located between the regions of Vallés Oriental, La Selva and Osona. The landscape is a constant of lush forests of oak, beech, chestnut, fir, holm oak… that in every season dye the horizon with very different colours, creating unique scenarios.

Elisa’s first session coincided with the arrival of full spring, and the electric green of the Montseny foothills became an obligatory stop at that time of year. We tried to go several times (you can see an unsuccessful attempt here), and that day we found the expected lively and energetic atmosphere, accompanied by a light breeze, while the sun gently slipped through the trees.

Elisa was amazed with the environment, for her it was surprising, as she had not done any outdoor sessions in the mountains before, and she could be seen enjoying herself as she worked.

The result was fantastic, and the day was great, Elisa is friendly, kind and very spontaneous, and in addition to her excellent disposition, because of the experience she already had, it was very easy to work with her. It was a great decision to choose a first session on location.

The photos that came out are very good, in microstock the scenery among the vegetation serves as an environment of park, forest, holiday… We also recorded content for the making of, and Elisa told us her impressions after her first session.