Today we present you an extended version of Oli and Lili’s first shoot together that we already showed you in a previous post. We have added some new clips with funny moments, changed the music, and at the end we include a short interview with our two models, very interesting, in which they talk about how they lived the experience, what they think about working with us and what they think about each other.
And then, we remind you the explanation of the session:
They are both regular models but on this occasion, they were working together for the first time and we had to see if they would make a good team.
We can already tell you that everything went perfectly in one of the most fun sessions we have done lately.
After having done several tests in outdoor searches with Auri, after the frustrated attempt of a spring session in Montseny with Oli, and seeing the fantastic results of Elisa’s first photo session, we decided to go back to Montseny, a natural park near Barcelona that stands out for its great diversity of landscapes, to do a session with two of our usual models, Oli and Lili.
We wanted a spring session with the green of the trees just in bloom and I chose a very beautiful beech forest in this Catalan mountain. The idea was to change the setting in the afternoon to a more open one, but the weather was threatening to get cloudy, so we decided to stay in the shelter of the forest to ensure better light.
Both Lili and Oli are girls with contagious smiles and that always makes a microstock session so much easier. But this was the first time they were going to work together and we had to see if they would hit it off quickly and we could take good photos from the beginning, or if they would need a period of adaptation…
From the very first moment, they got along wonderfully and complicity and fun were the dominant note throughout the day. If we also add that they are already like family, the result could not be other than what you can see in the video.
Jokes, bad jokes and lots of good photos.
Being in a very leafy beech forest, the sun shines through the branches but as it doesn’t stop still, we have to move the models constantly to avoid that the leaves of the trees make shadows on the face or on the body and the photos look bad.
That was perhaps the only complicated part of the session in which we also set up a hammock to take pictures in it. We were finally able to do it, after several attempts in successive sessions, in which for one reason or another, it had been impossible so far.
Photo after photo, the funny moments and the multiple jokes of Oli, who was very inspired that day, followed one after another. The moments in which the photos that we had taken were being cropped were not exempt of funny and surprising moments either.
Even at lunchtime in the restaurant there were still some unforgettable moments.
In the afternoon we continued with the microstock photos until the day became cloudy and the light was too bright for us to continue.
To finish, we asked some questions to our protagonists, whose answers you can see in the video, along with comments about their feelings working with us, jokes, and the opinion they had of each other.
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